An introduction to library and research skills meant to help students work on their assignments.
A guideline in starting one’s research – from working on a topic, to knowing what information is available from which source, and developing search strategies to find information.
An instruction on what is in the online catalog and how to use it to find books and eBooks in the Library. It aims to help users locate a physical item in the Library by learning how to read call numbers and getting familiar with the different item types (resources) and locations.
An instruction on how to search for journal articles from print and online sources (subscribed research databases and open-access journals).
An introduction to the different types of sources: primary vs secondary vs tertiary sources; scholarly vs popular sources; and, formats of published sources.
A guideline on how to evaluate information sources to ensure its quality and credibility.
A brief introduction to the reasons for and requirements of citations as well as an overview of the concept of plagiarism.